NBC’s popular morning show “Today” currently runs a daily feature on its anchor, "Where in the World is Matt Lauer?" (On Monday he was in Buenos Aires; on Tuesday in the Netherlands, and today in Laos). So, you may wonder, “Where in the World was SCHMITT?” (this spring that is).
Well, like Lauer, lots of places. In-between teaching at Columbia every week, I was in Germany, Korea, Mexico (twice), Greece, Turkey, and, oh yes, Atlanta and Virginia-–for all sorts of things (speaking, consulting, researching). And there’s more coming: Brazil, Korea (again), Japan, Singapore, India, and South Africa. I am busier than ever, especially internationally (I know you are, too). Must be the weak dollar.
Which place so far was the most fun? (Turkey, without a doubt; I had not been to Istanbul in a while, and it is turning into a fabulous business and lifestyle place. Presumably, Newswek called it the "coolest" city recently.)
And the most interesting? (Greece, no doubt. After my consulting engagement in Athens was over, I went to the Acropolis for the very first time.)
And the most exciting? (Virginia. Had an audience of senior government execs, it was great to speak to them on "Big Think Strategy.")
Approaching eudaimonia ...
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